My First Disruption Story
It’s early 2025 and the threats to bilingual education have never been so violent in modern US history. From Trump signing EOs to hunt down and deport immigrants to enshrining English as the official language of the country, now is the time to build our skill sets around advocacy and teacher empowerment. NOW is the time to Disrupt the Monolingual Bias.
Doable Disruptions to the Monolingual Bias
Change doesn’t happen in big sweeping policy gestures or with the arrival of award-winning curriculum, it happens by engaging in doable disruptions to the Monolingual Bias, and it starts with you. The only question is: how disruptive are you willing to be?
Toxic Ideologies and a Recipe to Save the Day
My name is Dr. Lillian Ardell, and I am delighted to guide and collaborate with you to disrupt the monolingual bias. This post points to the toxic ideologies in our Bilingual Ed system. Join the movement!
introducing: disrupting the monolingual bias
Welcome to the first in my series of blog posts about how to disrupt the monolingual bias in bilingual and TESOL education! I’m Dr. Lillian Ardell, speaker, bilingual ed coach, and monolingual bias disruptor!
If you are a bilingual, dual language, ESL teacher or school leader who cares about equity and social change for our ELLs and Multilingual Learners, then you’ve come to the right place!
Small, brave choices in bilingual education
As a professor at an urban state-funded school that credentials teacher candidates (TCs) to enter the workforce, I was tasked with supervising field placements for those seeking a bilingual endorsement. Obtaining a doctorate in bilingual education at the local Big-Name University coupled with my decade of experience as a rank-and-file teacher, I felt up to the challenge.