inspiring small, brave moments that transform education

Book a leading expert in bilingual education for your next conference, workshop, or teacher incubator.

small brave moments

Transformations don’t happen in a day or in tucked away board rooms, they require sustained courageous moments with key stakeholders who hold the levers of power in our educational system. Teachers and school leaders need to recognize opportunities for Small Brave Moments. Opportunities that create a culture of risk-taking and that empowers communities to act in alignment with their vision of what the future of education COULD be.

About my keynote

Keynote Speaker

Podcast Guest

School Improvement advisor

Bilingual Ed Coach

Keynote Speaker • Podcast Guest • School Improvement advisor • Bilingual Ed Coach •

What people are saying

“Lillian is a one-of-a-kind scholar and consultant. She brings a deep and current knowledge of bilingual classrooms alongside a cutting edge academic background. She knows kids, teachers, and instruction.”

Laura Ascenzi-Moreno; Professor of Childhood, Bilingual, and Special Education at Brooklyn College & Bilingual Program Coordinator

“I can’t even begin to measure the impact of Small Brave Moments…it starts with something so small and then as you become more aware in identifying what your SBM should be, it becomes a powerful tool towards change.”

Diana, Dean of Multilingual Learners, Brooklyn NY

“Your work is inspiring! Maybe we can’t all do it all, but encouraging us to avail ourselves of the “small brave moments” is so impactful. Thanks Dr. Ardell!”

Nora Garcia-Reyes, Founder of Bee Partners and Bilingual Ed Advocate