Trans-languaging 101

To understand the implementation and
oversight of a new translanguaging initiative

If you’ve been around the Bilingual Ed and TESOL conference circuit for the past 5 years, you’ve heard the term and yet you’re still not exactly sure what translanguaging is or looks like. You aren’t alone: translanguaging offers teachers an effective set of tools and strategies to expand the linguistic landscape for their MLLs, and yet it remains one of the most widely misunderstood pedagogies out there. Consider booking this workshop if you’re ready to do some UN-learning about bilingual ed theories and practices that encourage the strict separation of languages.

In this workshop, we will cover:

The leading scholarship on translanguaging

Hear Lillian in conversation with the leading scholars on translanguaging (a video-series only available through this workshop)

Common myths and misunderstandings of translanguaging

Activities, games and discussion circles

…for participants to model the tools and get immediate feedback from Lillian

Demos on how it works

These show translanguaging works in practice, across a range of grade-levels and content areas

Here is a sneak peak of what you’ll get with this workshop

Ready to book or want to learn more?

Coaching add-ons

cuando necesitas un poco mas apoyo

Feeling concerned about the implementation and oversight of a new translanguaging initiative? Lillian offers an array of coaching options to support teachers to recognize the difference between translating versus translanguaging, address curricular pain points, and clarify messaging to stakeholders and anything in between.

Lillian has experience helping schools onboard translanguaging with a clear and sturdy hand- just add coaching to your workshop of choice.

Ready to book or want to learn more?