Teacher Communities

and digital downloads!

These offerings are for teachers who are seeking a space to amplify their knowledge of bilingual teaching directly with Lillian.

This is also where you can purchase digital downloads to support your planning and discussions with colleagues. Keep on’ scrolling, mi gente…

critical reading collective
july & august

Imagine if you could choose to attend a grad level course on the basis of an article you were really excited to consume... and you had the guarantee of learning alongside your favorite professor, guiding you through the concepts + asking the hard-hitting questions.... Imagine if you could have this experience 'a la cart', opt-in when you have the time, and leave the session with a few new equity-minded allies. Well, you can with the Critical Reading Collective. Learn more and register for our July & August sessions.

digital download

Introducing The Language of Langauge Teaching! This packet is my essential wordbank, in it you will find my curated top-ten list of strategies and theoretical concepts related to language teaching. I have designed the packet for use with veteran and novice teachers and administrators in mind.

Coaching Circles
SprIng & Fall

For 6 Sundays each Fall and Spring, Lillian offers a hang to tackle pressing problems of practice for her highest-engagement subscribers on a first-come, first-serve basis. In the Mentorship Circle, teachers get a no-BS professional support group all from the comfort of your couch. BYO coffee and pastries!

What teachers are saying

Biliteracy Collab

“I would even call it a career-changing event.

“These professional development sessions were really fun, but they were definitely serious, thought-provoking, and rigorously-planned—all of them.”

Naixin Chang

Biliteracy Collab

“It’s such a well-rounded concept—the tenor system—that I think our students are going to be really really excited to even try it themselves.

“I truly believe that Dr. Ardell is such a great asset…to your school. Especially if your school is focused on literacy.”

Melissa McClure

Ready to join?

Biliteracy Collab
Summer & Winter

The Summer Bilteracy Collab applications are NOW OPEN. This summer, Dr. Lillian Ardell is assembling a team of dedicated language nerds to participate in a series of field-tested metalanguage, biliteracy and translanguaging activities. Learn more about the content, time commitment and compensation (you heard me!) below.

Coaching Circles
SprIng & Fall

A hang to tackle pressing problems of practice for Lillian’s subscribers on a first-come, first-serve basis